What is Planning Poker?
Planning Poker is a collaborative estimation technique used in Agile software development. It is designed to facilitate team discussion and consensus around the effort required to complete a particular task or project.
During a planning poker session, team members are presented with a task or story to estimate. Each team member privately selects a card from a deck of cards, which has values representing the level of effort required to complete the task. Once everyone has made their selection, the cards are revealed simultaneously.
If there is a wide variation in estimates, the team members discuss their reasoning and assumptions, and then they repeat the process until a consensus is reached. This process allows the team to arrive at a more accurate estimate of the effort required to complete a task, and can help prevent misunderstandings and miscommunication between team members.
Why choose Archee?
Planning Poker is not a new concept, but what's available currently in the market is often relatively outdated, hidden behind paywalls, or has poor UX and is difficult to use and understand.
Archee takes the concept of planning poker and simplifies it for the user. Pick a card face down, reveal it when ready. We use a modern stack, built in NextJS, TypeScript, Tailwind and Websockets to give you the best, seamless user experience. No random refreshing, everything handled for you with an attractive and easy to understand user interface.
Note: JIRA Server is unavailable in open beta, and JIRA Cloud configurations are currently available by request only. Please contact us for more information.
How do you play on Archee?
You can play Planning Poker either as a scrum master/sprint planner or as a developer.
- Start by joining a room here. Choose an existing room name that someone else in your team has joined, or select a random name of your choice, a temporary room will be created for you.
- Pick the amount of time, or story points you think a task should take.
- Once everyone is ready, your Scrum master will reveal the average estimate.
- Give any feedback you have regarding the estimate and justify your estimate to your team.